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The sacrament of Baptism is the first and most important of sacraments in the Catholic Church. Through Baptism a person becomes a child of God and a member of the Church.  Celebration of Baptism in the Catholic tradition is recommended for children as early as 2 weeks old.  Paperwork and preparation for baptism can be done even before the birth of the child.  Simply make an appointment to meet with one of our priests and we will be happy to help you get started.

1st Communion

Holy Communion is celebrated with children in grade 2 or older, and is always preceded with the sacrament of reconciliation. Ongoing preparation for these sacraments includes regular practice of the faith as a family: Sunday Mass attendance, daily prayer at home, and the study of the faith through our Catholic schools and at home. Immediate preparation for these sacraments is done at the church through regular meetings with the priest and his catechetical team of parish volunteers.  First communion is celebrated in May.  We love helping your children grow in their love of Jesus and His Church. 


The sacrament of confirmation is celebrated with those who are in grade 7 or older. Through the confirmation a candidate is strengthened in their faith through the power of the Holy Spirit. The candidate has to be a baptized Catholic who has already received the sacraments of reconciliation and 1st communion. Ordinary preparation for this sacrament is ongoing practice of the faith: daily prayer, Sunday Mass attendance, and the study of the faith at home and at school. Immediate preparation is done at the church with the parish priest and his team of catechists starting in April, with the sacrament celebrated by the Bishop at the end of May. 


Christian Marriage is a tremendous gift where a man and a woman are joined together for life in a lasting bond of love, life, and faith. All those interested in getting married at our parish must allow time for preparation, which includes: 

- meetings with the priest for paperwork

- completing a marriage preparation course

- rehearsal and liturgy preparation

The first step is to simply call the parish office and make an appointment to meet with one of our priests.  We look forward to seeing you.

RCIA - Adults becoming Catholic

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is a program for adults who wish to become Catholic. The process includes weekly meetings for about 6 months in order to study, experience, and integrate the beauty of our Catholic faith.  The journey culminates on Easter Sunday, when those preparing are received into the Catholic Church.  This program is offered every year, starting in September.  Please contact the parish office to join us.

St. Mary's and the Missions Parish

tel: 519-376-0778

554-15th Street East

Owen Sound, Ontario

N4K 1X3

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