I have never liked good byes. This is my last official weekend as pastor of St. Mary’s and the Missions. After seven years in the great north, the time has come for me to return to the big city from which I came. I must say that I have enjoyed my time up here very much, and I can honestly say that the last seven years have been the most joyful and fulfilling years of my priestly life thus far. I have made many friends, and I have experienced tremendous love from within our Catholic community and beyond. Among my responsibilities as pastor of St. Mary’s and the Missions, I’ve had the privilege of working with the Owen Sound Pregnancy Centre, Owen Sound Ministerial Association, and many local organizations that make a difference in peoples’ lives.
I want to thank all who have put up with me and helped me along my journey. First I want to thank the staff of our parish community: Corry, Don, Amy, Lynn, Brenda, Patty, Peter and Roger. A priest could not ask for a more helpful, competent, and loyal group of people to work with. If I could, I would take all of them with me. I also want to express my love and appreciation to the few generous people who keep our mission churches running, cleaned, unlocked and ready for each weekend. And to my fellow priests who have been so helpful over the years: Fr. James (+), Fr. Francis, Fr. Luc, Fr. Greg; Thank you for your joyful assistance.
To all the parishioners: you have been most beautiful and kind, your faith has helped me grow. Thank you for your faithful witness and commitment. As priests we come and go, but you, the local people, stay; it is your faithfulness that keep our churches going.
Even after I leave you will still see me coming back from time to time to help our priests on the weekends, which is why this is not a good bye. Please know that I love you all and I thank you all. Please accept the new pastor with open arms and with patience, this will make me very happy. In Jesus and Mary,
Fr. Wojtek Kuzma