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My Statement on Pride Flags

Recently I was informed by the Director of the Grey-Bruce Catholic School Board, Mr. O'Donnell, that as part of the new equity plan our Catholic schools will be flying pride flags throughout the month of June. As this initiative is becoming more public, I’ve been receiving many questions from parents, teachers, parishioners, and Christian leaders, regarding my involvement in this initiative and my position. Below you will find my letter to Mr. O’Donnell, clarifying my position regarding this initiative.

Dear Mr. O’Donnell,

A parishioner has recently brought to my attention that at a board meeting of March 28th my name was mentioned by you in reference to the new equity plan and the flying of the pride flag in front of our schools. In the way the statement was worded it has led some people to think that I was consulted regarding this initiative, and further, that I am in support of this course of action, specifically, with the flying of the pride flag. If you recall, during our meeting of March 23, when you told me about the plans to fly the pride flag, I voiced my opposition towards this motion. To avoid any further confusion regarding my position, I would like to once again voice my opinion in this matter. In an effort to clarify my participation in the decision making process about the flying of the pride flag, I request that my statement be read in full at the next Board Meeting.

Official Statement by Fr. Kuzma regarding flying pride flags outside Catholic Schools:

“I have never been consulted by the Grey-Bruce Catholic School Board representatives regarding the initiative of flying the pride flag in front of our schools, but I was simply informed that this would be happening starting in June of this year. In spite of not being invited to do so, I still chose to express my opposition to this initiative to Mr. O’Donnell (the director of the School Board), in the presence of Ms. Charlene Hoffmann (faith animator for the School Board). Even if the intention to fly the pride flag is one of promoting inclusivity and welcoming, and not one of undermining the official teaching of the Catholic Church, there is still a real danger of scandal among Catholics and people of good faith who, in seeing the pride flag outside our Catholic schools, may be led to confusion regarding the Catholic Church’s moral teaching. The symbol of a pride flag has been used by many to promote ideals that are in direct opposition to the Catholic Church’s teachings, and for this reason I believe that at best it may confuse people about the Church’s position, and at worst lead people away from the Catholic Church and her teaching. In good conscience I cannot and I do not support this initiative, and I regret that it is being implemented in the Catholic Schools of the Bruce-Grey Deanery.”

Fr. Wojtek Kuzma


1 Comment

Unknown member
Apr 08, 2022

Thank you for your defence of the moral teachings of the Catholic Church, Father. This is a dangerous slippery slope and I fear for my grandchildren due to the increasing secular approach that the Catholic school board in our area seems to be embracing. Catholic schools need to adhere to the teachings of Catholic Church. There is an alternate school board that children can be enrolled in, if their parents no longer support Catholic moral teaching.

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