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Love 101 – a woman’s perspective

There’s been further interest in the book Love 101, so we’ve decided to do another printing, having copies available in time for Christmas.

101 reflections are too many to keep in my head; I forget the subject matter of many of them and this got me into a bit of trouble with my oldest sister. I sent her a copy of the book for her birthday in August, and then I found out from our middle sister, that she was none too pleased with one of the pieces – read the Mask Debate and you’ll understand why. My sister Jean took the brunt of Joan’s anger and assures me it has all blown over now, but it’s got me wondering what else in there could offend. “At least you know she’s reading your book,” Jean said, encouragingly. Jean’s always presenting the brighter side of things.

If you haven’t yet gotten a copy of Love 101: a woman’s perspective on family and faith, perhaps I’ve piqued your curiosity? These pieces were compiled, not to anger my sister, but to raise funds for the rectory building project at St. Mary’s. With the last printing of 50 copies, we were able to contribute $681.65 to the building fund, but I would love to see the next printing generate more than that.

The cost of Love 101 is $25. Just as we did last time, we’re providing two ways to pre-order your book/s – pre-paying through Brenda at the parish office, or by e-transferring $25 per book to me at This worked very well last time and we’re hoping that, by word-of-mouth, we’ll have a substantial number for our next printing.

I am most grateful to all who purchased this book the first time around. My sister’s fury aside, I’ve gotten some very nice and positive feedback from St. Mary’s Parishioners. Even Fr. George, my new pastor here at St. Bernard’s is very enthusiastic about the book. I gave him a copy because love is the essential theme of every one of his homilies.

October 31st is the deadline for ordering the book. The print order will go in on the 1st of November so there’s plenty of time to have them printed and delivered to St. Mary’s before Christmas. If you’re ordering through Brenda at the office, this means your deadline is really Friday, October 28th…if you’re e-transferring to me, you have till midnight, October 31st.

Thank you to all who have supported the building project in this way. I think of my St. Mary’s family and pray for you often. We’re very happy here, but that does not mean we don’t think about and miss the dear friends we left behind. God bless,

Margery Frisch



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St. Mary's and the Missions Parish

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554-15th Street East

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