I am continuing to write a message in the absence of Father Kuzma who will be returning home to Canada in early April. Life is never boring in the rectory. Recently, a large splinter appeared on the inside glass of a triple pane window near the dining room. Bad food throwing, head banging, golfing and high pitch singing were dismissed as possible causes. Fortunately, this defective window will be replaced under warranty. May Our Lord, Our Lady and the saints help us all acquire Lenten graces.
On the Fourth Sunday of Lent, in 1 Samuel 16, the prophet anoints David, the youngest son of Jesse, for the Lord does not look at outward appearance, but into the heart. In Ephesians 5, Saint Paul exhorts us to live as children of the light, to avoid works of darkness and to expose them in the world. In John 9, we read the captivating story of the man who was blind from birth and became persecuted after the Lord Jesus had healed his eyes. The Pharisees were already determined to oppose anyone who believed that Jesus was Lord and Messiah and were angry that his miracle was done on a Sabbath, a day when no work was to be done.
The Lord Jesus proclaimed Himself the Light of the World and wants his life to shine through our prayers and deeds, especially the crosses we must carry. During Lent, the Lord wants us to work on aspects of our lives that do not reflect his light to others. Sinful patterns when grave do even extinguish charity and the light of the Holy Spirit in one’s life and require a sincere cleansing through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Regular prayer times, sacrifices and works of penance are necessary to discipline the body and mind in order to overcome temptations the flesh, pride and materialism and to free the will to obey God. The greed of the Pharisees blinded them to the perfect love of God revealed through Jesus Christ; no one can love money and God at the same time.
The Lord Jesus said that the man “was born blind so that God’s works might be revealed in him”; then, he healed his eyes. We are all in varying degrees spiritually, morally or even physically blind or limited. Prosperity, ease and pride blind us to God’s blessings and to the needs of others. The humble and prayerful acceptance of crosses opens the heart to gratitude, the love of God and of others. May the courage of the man who could now see and believed in Jesus, the Son of Man, inspire us to proclaim the glory and honor of our Lord Jesus Christ.
May God bless you always and Our Lady, Saint Joseph and the Saints and Angels help you carry your present and future crosses with faith, courage and serenity.
Fr. Luc (Retired Priest)