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Happy Retirement Fr. Francis Hubilla

This 26th of June at noon time, I will be officially retiring, after more than five years of service and ministry in this parish. When I leave, I will carry with me the memories of the moments we had together.


Thank you for welcoming me in your midst without any condition. Thank you for introducing me to your families and the people you love and cared for. Thank you for driving me to my places of responsibilities when I was not feeling well and when I was recovering from my medical procedures. Thank you for assuring me that it was alright to make mistakes and make a mess of something. Thank you for inviting me for meals and have the chance to know each other more and better. Thank you for being sensitive to fill my material needs and being generous even if I never asked for anything.


Thank you for listening to me even if you were tired and exhausted. Thank you for sending me food and words of consolation during the Covid period even if you yourselves were not also feeling well. Thank you for not getting discouraged to invite me again and again to attend parish and family events even if I could not be present to most of them. Thank you for reminding me that I needed a haircut and the pair of shoes I was wearing were not the same. Thank you for bearing with me when my eyesight was failing, and I could not read properly the prayers in celebrating the Sacraments.


Thank you for searching for me along the sideroads when a deer hit my car and for drive-shadowing me to keep me safe. Thank you for changing me car tires, washing and vacuuming my car, and filling it up with gas. Thank you for reminding me that aside from being your priest, I am also your friend. Thank you for supporting my charitable initiatives in my country of origin. Thank you for reminding me that despite all the trials and challenges we have to go through in life, this same life is still worth living. Thank you for accepting me for who I am. Thank you for letting me see the hands of God in yours and the face of God in your faces.


Thank you, thank you, and thank you. For all that has been, thank you, and for all that will be, yes.


May the Lord bless you and keep you. May His face shine upon you and be generous to you. May He look upon you with kindness and give you His peace. And may the blessing of the Almighty God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit come you and remain with you, and those who are dear to you, now and forever.

                                                  Fr. Francis Hubilla



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St. Mary's and the Missions Parish

tel: 519-376-0778

554-15th Street East

Owen Sound, Ontario

N4K 1X3

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