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Good News

Phase 3 of reopening is good news for our province, including our churches. Bishop Douglas Crosby as informed us that we will now be able to have one Lector at each of the Masses, communion dialogue is to be used once again while receiving Holy Communion at Mass, and those who wish to receive Holy Communion on the tongue may do so provided they come last in the communion procession. There are also no more restrictions regarding the number of people who can come to Mass, provided that we can maintain the 6 feet social distancing between households. This is indeed great news and I encourage you to please share this message with those who have been hesitant about coming to Church. The Bishop has also asked that we stop the live-stream of all Masses at this point, and those who cannot attend Sunday Mass can make use of TV Masses offered on Vision TV, Salt and Light TV, and EWTN. The Bishop has also extended the dispensation from Sunday Mass for the time being.

Our Building Committee continues their good work in moving our Rectory Build forward. We now have all the permits needed to start construction. The only thing that is slowing us down now is the availability of materials. Things seem to take more time to be made and delivered in this COVID environment. We are hopeful that construction will begin in August and that the building will be closed in before the snowfall. Completion of the Rectory should be by the summer of 2022. I’ve updated the Building Project page on our website with the most up to date 3D renderings of the new rectory. My thanks to the members of our Building Committee for their tireless work, and to all parishioners who have been assisting this renewal project with financial and prayerful support.

Fr. James is doing well in his new residence with the Carmelite Sisters. We look forward to his visit with us sometime in August. Fr. Greg has been unpacking and getting used to living with 2 strange priests (Fr. Francis and me). It always takes some time to get used to the new surroundings and new people, but it is all part of a great gift of learning and growing. I will be taking some time for my annual motorcycle trip in the first 10 days of August. Along with a few friends we will be exploring the Ottawa valley area of our great province. Hopefully by next summer we can spread our wings a bit more and travel further. During this time of beautiful weather and slower pace of life may we all enjoy the gift of summer in God’s country.

Fr. Wojtek Kuzma



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St. Mary's and the Missions Parish

tel: 519-376-0778

554-15th Street East

Owen Sound, Ontario

N4K 1X3

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