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God is good!

Today’s culture is all about success. We measure all that we do in terms of success: our career, our relationships, our investments, etc. And yet this notion of success has no place in our relationship with God. In the parable for this Sunday, Jesus shows us how an unjust judge is able to grant a wish of a widow because of her persistence. The parable is full of bad examples. First, the judge is unjust. Second, he grants the wish of a widow for the wrong reasons, so that she may leave him alone (surely, that is a selfish reason). And yet Jesus tells this parable to show how powerful our persistence can be. If this unjust judge can grant a wish for a selfish reason, surely God, who is all good, will listen to us.

But we can complain that God does not always listen to our pleas. And that is a valid complaint. Many people pray for different things and yet God does not grant every one of our wishes. Yes, this is true, and this is based on the difference between God and the unjust judge from today’s parable. The judge acts out of his own selfishness, without any concern for the widow, but only for himself. God acts out of love for us. This is why Jesus does not say in today’s reading that God will answer all of our requests, but rather that God will “grant justice” to his chosen ones. There are and will remain to be many unanswered questions in our journey here on earth. We must remember, that God is a mystery, we cannot understand everything about Him. But we know that God is good and that He loves us. This we should never doubt. Not after looking on a crucifix.

At the end of the gospel reading today we hear Jesus say: “When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?” Two truths are evident from this question: one, that Jesus is going to come again; and second, that upon meeting God face to face we will be judged based on faith. Notice: “judged based on faith” not success. God is concerned with our faithfulness in trying to live our individual callings in life more so than with how well we did. He will recognize us based on how often we spoke with Him and not by how many sins we were able to overcome. Happy October to all, love ya!

Fr. Wojtek Kuzma



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554-15th Street East

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