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From Fr. Luc's Desk - Grow in Faith, Courage, Hope and Love

I am continuing to write a message in the absence of Father Kuzma who will be returning home to Canada on April fool’s Day ... Snow? May God, Our Lady and the saints help Fr. Kuzma, Fr. Francis, me and all parishioners needing Lenten graces.

On the Second Sunday of Lent, the first Scripture passage is from the Book of Genesis when God send Abra(ha)m – whose faith in God was proven true – to a foreign land and promised to bless him and the multitude of his descendants. In 2 Timothy, Saint Paul invites us to join him – being perfected – in suffering for the Gospel, relying on the power of God through faith in Jesus Christ. In Saint Matthew’s Gospel, Saints Peter, James and John witnessed the amazing miracle of the Transfiguration of the Lord Jesus and his encounter with Moses and Elijah. This supernatural glimpse of the glory of Jesus will become immensely helpful to the Apostles who were about to witness His Passion, death and resurrection.

These Scripture passages for the Second Sunday of Lent are meant to challenge us to a higher, deeper and richer encounter with our Blessed Lord. We are all called to grow in faith, courage, hope and love. So what does the Lord have in mind for you this Lent?

Some may be called to pray for the courage of Abraham to undertake a new endeavor, a change, a move or a calling from God. It was during Lent that years ago strangers and friends began to tell me that I was called to become a priest. I was afraid and in time became grateful that I chose to give it a try. I have never regretted saying “yes” to God and am so grateful for his loving patience with me and others.

Some people will face more difficult personal and family situations – conflict, illnesses, finances, etc.– and by uniting their crosses with the Lord’s will find renewed strength, like Saint Paul’s, and may even be able to inspire faith, hope and love in the hearts of those whom they love, serve and pray for. So often those whose faith became stronger in the midst of deep suffering, had their faces radiant with inner peace and love as they totally surrendered to God their heavy crosses. Blesses are those who persevere to the end.

The Transfiguration of the Lord was a great miracle, but it was not meant to be a one-time event. Since the Lord commands us to love God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength, therefore He intends to manifest Himself to each one who sincerely wants to love Him in return. May our penitential efforts to unclutter our lives of eating too much, constant noise, distractions, shopping, wasted time, etc., lead us to deep silence, prayer and meditation. He is waiting to speak to you, are you ready to listen to Him? May God surprise you all.

Fr. Luc (Retired Priest)



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St. Mary's and the Missions Parish

tel: 519-376-0778

554-15th Street East

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