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From Fr. Luc's Desk

I am continuing to write a message in the absence of Father Kuzma who is in Florida. I have heard no news and continue to pray that he is doing well. Let us also pray for all the members of our parish and missions who have health and other pressing issues. May the Lord use me to inspire you.

On the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, the Church focuses upon the calling and mission of the Lord’s anointed ones. The Prophet Isaiah lived during a time of great peril for the people of Israel, and, yet, foresaw the future when the people who had walked in darkness were now seeing a great light and felt great joy and freedom from oppression. His optimism greatly benefitted those who were awaiting the Messiah; I hope that we too may believe and pray that soon the world will be at peace under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

After Saint John the Baptist died, the Lord Jesus began to proclaim, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” He also called his first disciples to follow him and witness first hand his authoritative preaching and miraculous healing of all kinds of diseases and sicknesses. Let us agree that it is never ok for us or anyone else to sin since every sin offends God. Let us never say the Name of Jesus in vain or in anger. His Name is most holy and its power great when pronounced during humble, heartfelt, sustained and grateful prayers.

Saint Paul deplored divisions among believers and taught that unity is only possible among those who accept Christ as their Lord and God and pick up their crosses. “For the message about the Cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. During this Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (January 18th to 25th) let us pray for the Catholic Church and other Christians that the unity in Truth and Love so desired by Our Lord and Our Lady may happen in our lifetime. Everyone can make a difference: “Whatever you do, whatever your skills, and whatever your age – you can live your life for the glory of God. Let this inspire you to take action today. Even the smallest act for God can make huge changes in someone’s life.” – St. Dominic Savio.

Thank you for your kindness towards me, Fr. Francis and the parish staff while the boss is on sabbatical. May God bless you and Our Lady, Saint Joseph, the Angels and the Saints protect and guide you always.



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St. Mary's and the Missions Parish

tel: 519-376-0778

554-15th Street East

Owen Sound, Ontario

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