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Easter Wishes!

Easter Sunday is the greatest feast in the Christian calendar, as it marks the greatest of all miracles, namely the resurrection of Jesus. What was so great about the resurrection? Well, a few things. Let me try to make a list here:

  1. In the resurrection Jesus confirms His own divinity, and that’s very important to us. After all, if Jesus was just a prophet but not God, his words and actions would not have the ability to “save us”. The words of a purely human Jesus could certainly inspire us, give us hope, make us feel better, etc., but they could never save us. Just as Jesus proved his humanity with his death, he proved his divinity with the resurrection. So, the resurrection is very important because it proved the true divine identity of Jesus, and assures us that salvation comes from Jesus.

  2. The resurrection is also important because in it Jesus conquered all the enemies of humanity. You may wonder what I mean by “all the enemies”. Well, the enemy of humanity is the evil one, and from him comes sin and death. Everything else is a derivative or a consequence of the evil one. Jesus conquered sin by not giving into sin but allowing the sin of all humanity to be crucified on the cross with him. Jesus conquered the evil one by obediently dying for our sins, and rising from the dead. Whatever sin, evil, or difficulties still remain in our lives is really nothing, these are just passing realities that have already been conquered by Jesus.

  3. The resurrection is important because through it Jesus opened the gates of Heaven to all who wish to receive salvation. Heaven’s gates were closed for humanity after the sin of Adam and Eve (the sin of disobedience). These very same gates of Heaven were opened when Jesus died for our sins (in perfect obedience to the Father). Easter is a reminder of our acceptance into the company of God in Heaven. The resurrection points to the joy of Heaven which is our final destination.

  4. Finally, the resurrection is a happy moment. Easter reminds us that even as we walk through difficulties and sins in our lives, all can lead to a happy ending if we only believe in the Lord, if we only trust in His love for us, if we only live by his love. Easter is a reminder of the Happy End that awaits all of God’s followers at the end of their lives.

What’s so great about Easter? Well, everything actually. Easter completes the work of Jesus, it begins the work of the Church, it reminds us that we have been called to follow Jesus and that God has already won all our battles that we will ever need to fight. All that’s left is to REJOICE, BEACUSE CHRIST HAS RISEN. God bless you,

Fr. Wojtek Kuzma



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