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Alpha Returns

I am very happy to announce that we will once again offer an ALPHA program at St. Mary’s in Owen Sound. This will be the second time, and we are finally ready to bring this back to our parish. ALPHA is a well-recognized program that has proven itself over the years as a gateway to the Christian faith. Through a series of teachings, meals, and small group discussions, people are introduced to the foundations of Christianity. It provides an environment that is friendly, welcoming, and that allows for connecting with people on a personal level. I would like to invite all of our parishioners to consider inviting someone from your group of family and friends to participate. We will be meeting on Tuesday evenings during the months of September through to November. This is also a great opportunity for those who are interested in becoming Catholic to enter into the RCIA program. You can get more information from our parish office. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by.

Our rectory project is moving well to its completion. We are now at the stage of installing flooring, cabinetry, painting, and landscaping. Our completion date and a move-in date is “end of September”. The Building Committee is working very hard to see this project to the end, with regular meetings and proper oversight. October should be an exciting time of making it a home for our priests, and inviting parishioners to come for a visit. Please consider supporting this initiative financially if you can. I thank you very much.

Fr. Francis is still away on holidays, and Fr. Luc and I are keeping things moving as best we can. We are happy to have visiting priests on weekends to assist with Sunday Masses. Once Fr. Francis returns we will be happy to resume our ministry of blessing homes and visiting our parishioners on a more regular basis. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

And lastly, I invite all to make the best of the summer that is still with us. Take time for your family and friends, enjoy a walk or a swim, and know that every day is a gift from our loving God. We must thank the good Lord for each day, for every blessing, for the simplest of gifts.

Fr. Wojtek Kuzma



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St. Mary's and the Missions Parish

tel: 519-376-0778

554-15th Street East

Owen Sound, Ontario

N4K 1X3

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