The usual business of the fall has been different for many of us this year. As the COVID-19 restrictions continue to be in place and change, we are forced to adapt and work with them. The same is true for us at St. Mary’s and the Missions Parish. Things will continue to open up slowly, so please continue to monitor our website and online bulletins. Here are just a few items to keep in mind:
1. Most of our churches have been open for Mass for a few months now, with the exception of Lions Head and Tobermory. Starting on September 19 we will reopen Lions Head and Tobermory for their usual Saturday Masses: 9:30am in Lion’s Head and 11:30am in Tobermory.
2. We are continuing to monitor the guidelines and the number of parishioners attending Mass at Sauble Beach. If our numbers of Mass attendees at Sauble Beach remain high, we may need to keep Hepworth closed for this winter and keep Holy Family at Sauble open. Our church at Hepworth is quite small and would not allow for proper “social distancing” if the numbers are close to what they have been in winters past. We will make this decision sometime in October.
3. Many of our essential programs will now be starting. First Communion for children who missed this sacrament in May due to Covid-19 will be offered in October of this year. Since these children were already registered and have already made their First Reconciliation, we will be contacting their parents by email/phone very soon. First Communion and Confirmation for this school year have been scheduled for May and June of 2021, and preparation will begin in March of next year. RCIA program for adults who are interested in becoming Catholic will be starting in October of this year, and those interested are invited to contact the parish office.
4. Our rectory project continues, and you may see some action happening in the next 3-4 weeks as the demolition is nearing closer and closer. I am optimistic that the demolition and the start of our new rectory construction will begin this calendar year.
Fr. Wojtek Kuzma