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From the Pastor's Desk:

An update is in order. Our first weekend offering Sunday Masses went well. As expected, we did not see as many people at church. Many are still choosing to stay at home and keep their distance from crowds. Throughout our churches we averaged about 30-40 people per Mass. Thank you to all who assisted me in setting up our churches. We will continue in this manner until we hear from the Bishop’s Office.

Our offices will be opening in the next two weeks, early in July. We are still waiting on some work to be completed in order to move to the new building. Given the requirements in reopening offices due to COVID-19, we do not want to open our old offices but wait until the new offices are ready for use. The new offices provide more room for social distancing and a glass protection between the office staff and parishioners.

We are getting closer to the demolition of our present rectory. Our hope is that demolition will take place sometime in August-September. This means that we need to start moving priests out. Thankfully we found a house for rent which will be sufficient for priests, and we hope to get the keys in early July and start moving. Once everything is finalized we will certainly post the address and let you come by. It is in the area of Mill Dam and First Christian Reformed Church.

Weddings and Funerals have received a green light. We can celebrate these now in our churches with the same restrictions as our regular Mass, 30% of our regular capacity. This means that we can have about 90-100 people attend a funeral or a wedding at our Mother Church in Owen Sound.

God’s blessings and hope to see you at Mass.

Fr. Wojtek Kuznma

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St. Mary's and the Missions Parish

tel: 519-376-0778

554-15th Street East

Owen Sound, Ontario

N4K 1X3

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