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From the Pastor's Desk:

As we are nearing ever closer to the construction of the 2nd phase of our building project, namely the new rectory as residence for our priests, it is not a bad time to give an update on the progress of our construction. The offices are close to being completed. I’m told by the workers that we are a few weeks away from completion. The offices were scheduled to be finished by December 21 of last year, but as it goes with building projects a small delay, it seems, is par of the course. I’ve decided not to let small things frustrate me too much, so I’m looking at this delay as a small thing that is outside of our control, and as such it has not been on my mind too much. Sooner or later (most likely sooner) we will be moving to the new offices.

Our second phase of the project is slowly moving forward as well. We are now in the process of finalizing all the paperwork for the building permit, which should go smoothly. As you all know we have already received a demolition permit. Our hope is that we will be looking to relocate priests out of the rectory sometime in the early months of the summer, and begin construction in the late summer or early fall. If you know of anyone offering a house for rent in Owen Sound, please do let us know.

This is a good time to also mention our financial situation. We have been most blest with many generous parishioners who participated in our fundraising efforts either through One Heart One Soul Campaign, or by giving directly to St. Mary’s Owen Sound Building Fund. A complete financial statement for our parish will be coming to all the churches near you pretty soon, but in the meantime let me say that we have enough money to pay for phase 1 of the project, and we have money pledged for the 2nd phase in the amount of $621,242 over the period of 3 years, and $255,905 of the pledged amount has already been transferred. Thank you to all who have offered financial assistance. For those who have not had a chance to make a financial contribution to this project as of yet, and would like to do so in the near future, I ask that you make your donation directly to St. Mary’s Church Owen Sound and indicate that it is for the New Building Project. We are planning on having a more detailed update on the new rectory once we have finalized everything and are getting close to building. Please look for that in the spring of this year. Fr. Wojtek Kuzma

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St. Mary's and the Missions Parish

tel: 519-376-0778

554-15th Street East

Owen Sound, Ontario

N4K 1X3

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