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Lots Going On

Many things are happening in our parish, so here is an update on these “many things”:

1. The Capital Campaign, which the Diocese of Hamilton has initiated and which we are using to raise funds for our building project, is well under way. Thank you to all who have already responded to the invitation. We have one more month of encouraging our parishioners to respond, before we close the Campaign with the “Commitment Weekend”. The Campaign will end for us on June 23rd (Commitment Weekend), when all who come to church that weekend will be given a different pledge card and asked to fill it out by marking one of the following: (i) I have already made my pledge, (ii) I would like to make my pledge now, (iii) I am not able to make a pledge. This will allow us to give everyone an opportunity to participate in the way they can and wish. Once Commitment Weekend is over we will close the Capital Campaign for our parish and see how close we are to our goal. So far we have received 115 pledges in the amount of $332,052. Given that only 115 families have had a chance to respond at this point, we are doing very well. Thank you to all.

2. All the drawings of our Building Project, Phase 1, have been sent for tender. We will receive all bids on May 30th. This means that we should have a contractor ready to start shortly after that date. It looks like the summer months will be loud and dusty as the construction of the parish hall addition begins. I may just take more trips to Sauble Beach during those months.

3. An introduction of a monthly Healing Mass will begin on June 7 at St. Mary’s in Owen Sound. We will offer a Healing Mass every first Friday of the month at 7pm moving forward. I have to admit that I am new to it, but I have been sensing a call to offer this kind of ministry for some time now. The focus of the Healing Mass is to approach God as a healer, as one who desires to heal us and who wants us to come in faith that we can be healed. If this is new to you please consider coming and learning with us about the healing power of God.

4. The month of May is traditionally the month of Mary. I hope that we can all find ways to honour Our Lady in a special way during this month. After all, Mary is our Mother and the Patroness of our Parish. We are proud to call her Our Mother and to seek her help and intercession. So, let us renew the great Marian devotions during this month: the rosary, litanies, meditations, etc.

Fr. Wojtek Kuzma

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St. Mary's and the Missions Parish

tel: 519-376-0778

554-15th Street East

Owen Sound, Ontario

N4K 1X3

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