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From the Pastor's Desk:

We are getting very close to the start of “Phase 1” of the building project, so I would like to spend a bit of time offering more details about it. We hope to start on the addition to the parish hall at St. Mary’s Owen Sound as soon as the snow melts. This means that the final drawing of that phase of our project is completed. We will have to do a bit more work with the City of Owen Sound to get all the permits for the new rectory building (Phase 2). Our negotiations with the City about the rectory build will continue during the construction of the new offices. Thank you to our tireless members of the Building Committee who are spearheading this project and letting me do what I do best - be a priest. I am also grateful to a new committee, Capital Campaign Committee that has been formed at the request of our Bishop in order to assist in the raising of the money for this project. Members of this new committee will be working closely with the Diocese of Hamilton in their fundraising efforts, the details of which are going to be explained at the upcoming 2 meetings:

Town Hall Meeting - March 20 at 7pm - at St. Mary’s Church in Owen Sound. This important meeting, open to all parishioners of St. Mary’s and the Missions, will provide an opportunity for the Building Committee members to offer progress report, and the Capital Campaign Committee members to explain the details of our fundraising efforts. I would like representatives of each of our mission churches to attend, perhaps members of each parish councils. It is much easier to explain the project’s details in this way rather than in a written format. Questions and comment and suggestions will be most welcome.

Capital Campaign Volunteer training - March 27 at 7pm - at St. Mary’s Parish Hall in Owen Sound. Members of all of our Parish Councils are asked to attend, along with those who signed up to assist as volunteers. This will be one evening of training with a representative from the Diocese of Hamilton, focused on assisting with the fundraising efforts in our parish.

Both meetings are very important, so please help by attending. God bless you for your kind assistance in this difficult but very worthwhile project.

Fr. Wojtek Kuzma

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St. Mary's and the Missions Parish

tel: 519-376-0778

554-15th Street East

Owen Sound, Ontario

N4K 1X3

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