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From the Pastor's Desk

The season of Advent is divided into two section: first two weeks are all about heaven, the last two weeks are about God coming to earth. Whenever we read about heaven we see how God is preparing a place for us, how much He desires to give us everything we desire. God’s love is expressed in the care with which God prepares for us. As we draw closer to Christmas we shift our focus on God coming to visit us on earth, and we are invited to reflect on our preparations for God’s visit with us. God makes room for us in His home, we should also make room for God in our homes. When Jesus was born there was no place for Him, no one was ready to welcome Him. How sad it is when a guest comes and he is not welcomed. As Christians we are called to prepare our homes, our families and our lives for Jesus who wishes to come and visit with us. How we live, how we treat one another, how we conduct ourselves in this world speaks volumes about us. As Christians we are called to be in the business of hospitality, ready to welcome the stranger, the lonely, the needy, the lost, the forgotten, etc. In many ways Jesus is that stranger, He is forgotten by our world today. He cannot be forgotten by us, He must be welcomed, anticipated, celebrated, and honoured. May our preparations for Christmas this year proclaim loud and clear that God is welcome in our homes, lives, world. Fr. Wojtek Kuzma

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St. Mary's and the Missions Parish

tel: 519-376-0778

554-15th Street East

Owen Sound, Ontario

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