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The Month of Mary

The month of May carries with it many gifts for all of us. First, it is a month associated with Mary, our Heavenly Mother, and the patroness of our parish. We may want to ask ourselves to renew our relationship with Mary in some way. Perhaps its the prayer of the rosary, or reading a spiritual book about her life, or simply asking for her ongoing intercession each day. Some Christians ask me why Catholics pay so much attention to Mary, the mother of Jesus. The best answer is the simplest

one: whoever is important to Jesus should be important to His followers. We follow Jesus by not only embracing and accepting Him alone, but by accepting Jesus along with everything and everyone that is dear to Jesus (his mother, his apostles, his Church, his teaching, etc.) Mary is our mother, let’s not neglect her. Throughout the month of May we will also celebrate First Communions and Confirmations with our younger parishioners. What a beautiful time in the lives of those who receive these Sacraments of Initiation. Jesus will come and bless them; the Holy Spirit will come and seal them. We pray for all our young people and their families, that God may truly bless them and that many of them may be opened to a greater love for God and commitment to Him. For those adults who have not received confirmation, I would encourage them to sign up and receive Confirmation when the Bishop comes to our parish at the end of May. Adults who practice their faith don’t have to do any preparation, just fill out the registration form and show up at the Confirmation Mass. If you are interested please contact the parish office or speak with a priest after Mass. Lastly, May is the month of ordinations to the priesthood. This means that most priests are celebrating their anniversaries of ordination this month. Let’s say a prayer of thanksgiving for those priests we like, and a prayer of intercession for those we want to learn to like. Happy May! Fr. Wojtek Kuzma

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St. Mary's and the Missions Parish

tel: 519-376-0778

554-15th Street East

Owen Sound, Ontario

N4K 1X3

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