I am so excited to begin yet another busy year at St. Mary’s and the Missions. Even though the summer is racing ahead leaving us behind, the prospect of building up the Kingdom of God in our beautiful community does not disappoint. We welcome the new season with many blessings.
- As promised, Bishop Crosby has provided a third priest for the needs of our parish. Fr. James McSharry answered the Bishop’s invitation to serve at St. Mary’s and the Missions
once again. Fr. James tells me that he is very happy here. With three priests we have been able to adjust the
weekend Mass schedule, noticing an increase in attendance immediately. We have also added some weekday Masses in Owen Sound in order to keep our priests busy and out of trouble. Please join us for Mass as often as you can.
- Seminarian Paul Niesiobedzki has moved in with us for his pastoral year. Paul finished his second year of theology at St. Peter’s Seminary in London. The pastoral year is crucial in the formation of future priests, as they are exposed to the kind of life they will choose to live for the rest of their lives. Paul will have a standing column in the bulletin sharing his journey and experiences with all of us. We assist Paul with our prayers, kindness, and hospitality.
- The RCIA program starts up again at the end of September. This program is designed specifically for adults who wish to become Catholic. Last year we had five participants, and four of them were received into the Catholic Church at Easter. If you know of anyone who wishes to become Catholic please do send them our way. We will be meeting every Tuesday evening after Mass in Owen Sound. Catholics who wish to learn more about our beautiful faith are welcome to join us also.
- During the summer months we tried something different: BBQ with the priests every Thursday evening during August. We had as many as 52 and as few as 22 join us. It was a time of eating, talking, and enjoying each other. The danger with talking is that new ideas can come to the forefront. One such new idea was to have a monthly potluck supper with a movie. We will try this new idea on Thursday nights, September 28th and November 2nd. Come for Mass at 7pm, leave your favourite dish in the parish hall. Stay for a Potluck and a Movie.
The priests of St. Mary’s and the Missions are always happy to assist our parishioners in any way we can. Please feel free to contact us if you would like to meet for spiritual direction or even just to go out for a coffee and talk. And if you are driving by the rectory and have some time, just stop by and visit. We are here for you