During the month of May we continue to celebrate the Season of Easter. That’s what I love about our Catholic tradition, we love to celebrate. Easter, much like Christmas, is always followed by weeks of music, readings, and traditions associated with the solemnity of Christ’s Resurrection. During this time it is important that we continue to sing hymns about the resurrection of the Lord, especially hymns that have Alleluia’s in them. We also place our Easter Candle in a prominent place in the sanctuary and keep it lit during our Masses as a sign of our risen Lord.
May is also known as the month of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Traditional devotions like May Crownings have been popular during this month. I would encourage all of us to find ways to personally honour Mary during this month. This could be done in one of the following ways: praying the rosary or other devotional prayer to Mary, reading a book about Mary, sharing our love of Mary with others. During the month of May we are also blessed to celebrate First Holy Communions with our grade 2 children, and Confirmation with those in grade 7. These are very special moments in the life of a parish community when we can share the gifts of these sacraments with our young parishioners. One of the ways to assist our young people in their preparation is to consider attending the Mass of First Communion and the Mass of Confirmation. First Communion Mass will be celebrated on Saturday May 6 at 11am in Owen Sound, and on Sunday May 7 at 11am in Wiarton. The Mass of Confirmation will be celebrated by Bishop Crosby on Sunday May 28 at 3pm in Owen Sound. Our young people are asked to come to Mass every Sunday as part of their preparation. Let’s make them feel welcome.
Last, but not least, on the long weekend of May (21-22) there will be a change to the Mass times in Tobermory and Lion’s Head. Starting on that weekend and henceforth Sunday Mass in those 2 mission churches will be celebrated on Saturday mornings. We have received a special permission from our Bishop to make this change and go back to the schedule from the past: Lion’s Head at 9:30am, and Tobermory at 11:30am. There will also be a Saturday 5pm Mass on May 21 at Sauble Beach, though the regular Saturday evening Mass at Sauble will not return on the weekly basis until July and August. And yes, due to popular demand Saturday Mass at Sauble will move back to 5pm.
Much is happening during the month of May! Let’s enjoy it, and give thanks to God who reveals his beauty and love in a special way during this season of change and rebirth