On this Easter Sunday we are reminded that we are an Easter people, and as such we are not called not to be afraid of anything. Through his resurrection Christ conquered all the fearful realities: death, sin, hatred, anger, etc. We follow Him who rose from the dead, and in so doing, promised eternal life to all who believe. We are those who believe, and so the promises of eternal life are given to us through Christ who loved us to the end. This is why it is proper for us to rejoice, to be grateful, to be hopeful about the future. God is love! God is life! God is with us!
On behalf of our parish community I would like to congratulate the newest members of our church family who were received into the Catholic Church in our parish this Easter: Mason Hall, Ashley Baker, Carla Giancola, and Sarah Stewart-Garceau. May the new life they received in Christ be a blessing to them and us.
We are also happy to announce that on June 28th, Fr. James McSharry will be moving back to our community to take on the responsibilities as an associate pastor. Thanks to Bishop Crosby’s generosity we will once again rejoice at having three priests serving the needs of our large parish family. Our weekend Mass schedule will change on the first weekend of July to accommodate a more reasonable time for some of our mission churches. More on the Mass time changes in the near future.
Congratulations also to Fr. Emmanuel, who has successfully obtained his full driver’s licence and has purchased a car. After eight months of relying on the kindness of our parishioners who drove Fr. Emmanuel to the various missions for Masses, he is now able to drive himself. Thank you Fr. Emmanuel for your commitment to obtaining your licence and a car. Many thanks also go out to all parishioners who offered their time and effort in assisting Fr. Emmanuel in driving to the missions. Your generosity is a testament to the kind of community we are blessed to serve.
Lastly, many thanks to all who have helped us celebrate our season of Lent and our Easter Triduum with so much joy and beauty. To all the volunteers who helped with our Lenten Potluck series, especially our CWL members, thank you. To all the decorators, servers, musicians, lectors, ministers of Holy Communion, ushers, and everyone who helped in the organization and celebration of our Easter Triduum liturgies, thank you.
May the love of Christ, which conquers all things, even death itself, be with all of us during this Easter season and beyond.