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It's Coming on Christmas

It’s that time of year again and each year I promise myself I will not get caught up in the commercial tidal wave that is the Christmas season. I’m sure I’m not alone in this and Advent is the perfect time to remind ourselves of this promise with renewed resolve. We, as Catholics, are used to being different out there in the world; standing apart and standing for our beliefs. Why do we allow ourselves to get caught up in the frenzy of this season which, traditionally, is a time of waiting and preparing for Christ’s coming?

My husband and I are blessed with sons and daughters-in-law who believe as we do, that spending lots of money and buying things is not what this season should be about. It’s about family, and being together is gift enough. My daughter-in-law, the mother of my three grandchildren, told the kids this year each will get four things – something they want, something they need, something to read and something to wear. This was a shock to them at first, but they have adapted, and they’ll grow up with a healthier understanding that the joy of Christmas is not measured by material things, it’s about love, kindness, sharing and family.

Don’t be fooled by my words. I’m still rushing to get my Christmas letter out; I’m knitting like mad and next week I’ll be rushing to finish the little things that I tell myself take no time at all – but they do take time and that will no doubt send me into a panic! That’s when it is necessary to readjust our priorities and de-clutter. It’s time to do as Fr. Kuzma suggested – light a candle and sit in a chair – feel God’s presence in the silence, feel his love and share in the joy of his son’s coming. Stay calm and have a blessed Christmas. Margery Frisch

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