One of my favourite Christmas movies is the 2002 blockbuster The Family Man starring Nicholas Cage. It’s a story of a very successful...

A Chair and a Candle
Every once in a while I wonder if due to the many traditions associated with Advent and Christmas we still remember what is at the heart...

Can You Handle it?
Recently, I was called upon to look after my precious grandchildren…from Saturday morning, up to and including getting them to school (on...

Common Mistakes Made on the way to Holiness
I would not be surprised if you told me that you desire holiness. After all, those who have had an encounter with the Lord, an...

End of the Year of Mercy
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, As the Jubilee Year of Mercy draws to a close, I am struck by what a gift it was to have experienced...

Reflection on Spiritual Poverty
Poverty of spirit is an interesting concept. Jesus speaks of it during His sermons on the mount: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for...

From the Pastor's Desk
During the month of November the Church reminds us of our eternal destiny. The month of November begins with the celebrations of All...

Mercy - Gotten and Given
In my file, labelled My Writing, I found a piece with this title – Mercy – Gotten and Given. I had no recollection of writing the piece,...

Haiti Emergency Help
On behalf of His Excellency, Bishop Crosby, please see the attached documents from Development and Peace – Caritas, regarding the major...

From the Pastor's Desk
The month of October is upon us, with all the beauty of the changing of seasons. All this change reminds us of God’s goodness, of His...