The Power of Silence
After many recommendations I finally decided to read the book by Cardinal Robert Sarah entitled: “The Power of Silence”. I’m only about...

Praying the Rosary
The month of October is dedicated to the Holy Rosary. According to an account by fifteenth-century Dominican, Alan de la Roch, Mary...

Growing in Faith
Well, it looks like we are in the busy season once again. Between our school visits, nursing home and hospital visits, and various...

From the Pastor's Desk:
Priests are expected to go on retreat at least once a year. This is a canonical requirement that all priests must fulfill. I guess the...

Have you ever wondered about those little details that vary in the telling of the four Gospels? Of course, each Gospel was written at a...

Another Busy Year!
I am so excited to begin yet another busy year at St. Mary’s and the Missions. Even though the summer is racing ahead leaving us behind,...

The summer has quietly arrived with a generous downpour of fresh rain followed by the gift of sun and warm temperature. The summer months...

Pentecost - Birthday of the Church
Happy birthday to the Catholic Church! Happy birthday to you, who are the body of the Church! We are all familiar with our own birthdays,...

The Easter Season
The season of Easter ends next Sunday with the Solemnity of Pentecost. Each year the Church gives us seven weeks after Easter Sunday to...

When my sons were in their teens, the protestations began about attending Mass. I explained to them that this was my job, part of the job...