From the Pastor's Desk:
“Do you think that I have come to destroy the law and the prophets? I have come not to destroy but to fulfill” (Mt5:17). These words of...

From the Pastor's Desk
The season of holiday-ing is upon us, finally. Fr. Emmanuel has already left for his vacation back home in Nigeria and he won’t be back...

Don't Give Up
I have a t-shirt that boldly states: Running, cheaper than therapy – and it’s true. But one could also say the same about one’s faith. I...
From the Pastor's Desk:
Jesus asks us to pray always. How do we do that? To answer this question we turn to a monk, out of all people; an unknown monk from the...
From the Pastor's Desk:
“We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and given of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is...

From the Pastor's Desk:
Most priests are ordained during the month of May. This has certainly been the tradition in the Diocese of Hamilton for many years. ...
The Month of Mary
The month of May carries with it many gifts for all of us. First, it is a month associated with Mary, our Heavenly Mother, and the...
The Body of Christ
When you’re at Mass, do you sometimes sneak a sidewise glance at someone near you, your mind wandering from the Liturgy to instead think...
Questioning in Humility
When I was a young boy I remember walking to Church every morning to serve the daily Mass. I remember the first time I started reflecting...
"Resurrection, Resurrection"
Once St. Paul the Apostle experienced the risen Lord, his entire life changed. From the moment of his encounter with the risen Jesus on,...