Getting More Out of Mass
Often people say that they don't enjoy going to Mass because they don't get much out of it. If we are honest we can all probably admit...
Try Something New
I like to keep my life in balance – mind, body, spirit and I am grateful to God every day for the ability to practice those things that...
From the Pastor's Desk:
We are getting very close to the start of “Phase 1” of the building project, so I would like to spend a bit of time offering more details...
The Gift of Lent
We begin the holy season of Lent. You may be wondering what is so holy about Lent. Is it not a time of giving things up and repenting...
Holy Season of Lent
February has come and gone and we are hopefully at the tail-end of this year’s winter season. The month of March welcomes us with new...
Family Prayer
This was our routine every night when I was growing up. Mother would gather the four of us children at my younger brother's bed, where...
From the Pastor's Desk:
I didn't realize how powerful the prayers of our children can be. As you probably know I have been praying with our children for snow,...
From the Pastor's Desk
Well, winter has come. The last week or so has been a challenge for many people as school busses were cancelled, road conditions for...
From the Pastor's Desk:
“Twas the coldest night of the year when the heat went out…” Wow, that sounds like a good start to a Christmas novel, but in reality it...
From the Pastor's Desk:
Earlier this week I saw a post on facebook informing everyone of the good news: “Spring is only 60 days away”. Now that we are deep into...