Be Healthy, Be Positive - Be Christian
Positive attitude is a sign of good spiritual health. There are so many things surrounding our everyday life, both positive and negative...
Have Faith, be Happy
Are you happy? If you are not, what is keeping you from attaining happiness? Is it money? If you had more money, would you be happy then?...
Our Path to Holiness
The tension between our sin and God's love has existed since the fall of our first parents. It is this tension that continues to confuse...

Active Life vs. Spiritual Life
There can be a tension between our spiritual life and our active life. This is why we are often tempted to choose one over the other. ...

Summer is Short
The summer is now in full swing, which was most noticeable on my drive to Lion’s Head and Tobermory last weekend. Our mission churches...

Lessons Learned
I learned a valuable lesson on our recent holiday. No, it wasn’t that I should never trust Google Maps to tell me precisely how long it...

To BC and Back
There are certainly more comfortable ways of traveling across Canada than on a motorcycle. Most people were pointing this out (including...
Love and Faith
Many years ago, the year after my brother-in-law died, my sister was visiting and when we got back to the house, I played a message that...
Building Project Update
We have now signed a contract with Allen-Hastings Ltd. to build Phase 1 of our project. Allen-Hastings is a well-known local builder;...
Corpus Christi
This Sunday the Church celebrates the solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ, commonly known as Corpus Christi. This is to help us...