A Word From Fr. James:
I have been introducing to all of our parish worshipping communities two prayers that have been presented to the Catholic communities...

Parents' Dilemma
A wise person once told me not to worry about problems which are beyond my capability to solve. Suppose you have a job that pays well...
The month of November begins with two great feasts: All Saints and All Souls. These feasts point towards the end of our lives and the...
Spend Some Time with Kids
Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. (Mt 19.14, Lk 18.16) So...
Family Prayer
This was our routine every night when I was growing up. Mother would gather the four of us children at my younger brother's bed, where...

Spiritual Optimism
As we journey towards God who is our ultimate goal and a happy end of life, there are many obstacles that lay on the path of perfection....
Who's in Charge?
Last Saturday I was dusting the living room, when, on the table where the orchids stood, I found a card, just sitting there. It said,...

Blessings for October
October is upon us, along with the beauty of the season of fall. In our Catholic tradition the month of October is closely connected to...
Building Project Update
It's been a little over 2 months since the construction of our parish hall addition started. I thought it would be good to give an...

Faith and Forgiveness
Forgiveness is an important aspect of our faith life. Jesus spoke of forgiveness, he forgave people's sins, and he commissioned his...