The Mask Debate
When the whole COVID-19 pandemic first reared its ugly head in Canada, I went around saying, I’m not afraid of this disease, I’m a...
From the Pastor's Desk:
COVID-19 has forced us to change the way we interact, by implementing social distancing and proper hygiene. More of us stay home these...
From the Pastor's Desk:
There was a time in my life, perhaps it is with me still now, when I just wanted to run away and join a monastic community. I don’t...
From the Pastor's Desk:
The usual business of the fall has been different for many of us this year. As the COVID-19 restrictions continue to be in place and...
From the Pastor's Desk
When shutdowns first started in February, we started offering Rosary every weeknight at 9pm live streamed on our website. The intention...
From the Pastor's Desk:
“God has shown you what is good, and what the Lord requires of you: To do justice, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God” ...
From the Pastor's Desk:
Lately I have been feeling somewhat disoriented, not quite sure how to get back to the groove of things. As I reflect on the possible...
Are You a Timid Catholic?
Sometimes I could kick myself for being so timid, for not speaking up, for remaining silent where my faith is concerned. My non-Catholic,...
From the Pastor's Desk:
I had an interesting conversation with one local tradesman about the state of affairs in the world today. He said to me that even though...
Come Home
Before I was married, I spent a year on an island, teaching in a one-room school house. The population of the island was about 100 and...